
Emojis for Windows 11, Windows 10 and Xbox

Emojis from Microsoft including Windows 11 Fluent Emoji Designs and Windows 10 Segoe UI Emoji.

How to Use Emojis in Windows 10

How to Use Emojis in Windows 10 · The Touch keyboard icon will appear on the lower-right corner of your screen. · Click on the smiley icon to get started.

Windows 10 has a hidden emoji picker

Windows 10 has a hidden emoji picker you can use to type emoji in any application, even desktop programs like Google Chrome.

Windows 10 Tip

2018年2月5日 — It's a keyboard shortcut – and it's got smiley faces, people and celebration emojis, just to name a few. Emoji keyboard.

Windows 10 使用快捷鍵輸入Emoji、顏文字、特殊符號

2021年6月6日 — 當我們在手機上要輸入Emoji、顏文字、特殊符號時,都可以透過手機內建鍵盤來達成,沒有任何難度。而在電腦上要來.

Windows keyboard tips and tricks

Insert emojis, GIFs, and symbols with the emoji panel · During text entry, type Windows logo key + . (period). The emoji keyboard will appear. · Select an emoji ...


Windows 11中的Emoji 鍵盤。 像專業人士一樣鍵入所有符號. 有時您需要鍵入不在鍵盤上的字元,例如長破折號( ...

免安裝下載的「表情符號」?用快捷鍵叫出微軟內建的「Emoji ...

2022年11月11日 — Windows 10實用快捷鍵:免安裝下載的「表情符號」?用快捷鍵叫出微軟內建的「Emoji」、顏文字和特殊符號吧!|職場工作術.

